
Oh my glory...

Many mothers wouldn't have written this post. They would have hidden this in a box to be brought out when "the one" comes to dinner, or when they have grandkids or when they find the pot or the porn under a mattress. I've considered this post for a month now, even before this blog existed, and I have decided that I have to write about it because Husband and I can't be the only ones that see this. We just can't. It's unfair to...well, humanity. Or, at least, to the one person that may or may not read this blog.

AJ often surprises me with the items he carries home in his bookbag. I have yet to find anything that was once alive, so I'll say that I have thus far been pleasantly surprised with the things he carries. Generally, he is good about showing me the things I need to see and allowing the non-important items to sit in there for a month or so. I'm not an overly hovering mama, but I am still up in his grill, if you know what I mean.

One day, AJ brought home a piece of artwork. I didn't immediately see it as Husband or AJ had put it on the couch to surprise me or send me into early menopause. I was walking through our always messy living room and I saw a stack of papers on the couch that I had been looking for when a bright piece of blue craft foam material caught my eye. There are no delusions of grandeur about my son's talents. He is what he is and what he'll be is up to him. I'll support him and tell him he rocks and he'll rock. I never expected him to be an artist. AJ loves art. He loves to draw and color and paint and I encourage it by getting him a new art set every couple of Christmases so he can nurture that activity. He also loves athletics and video games and I nurture those things, too. Granted, he never brought anything home from those that was quite like this.

On the back of his artwork was a little sign, which makes me believe this art may have actually been hung in his school building. At the thought, I started laughing so hard I was gasping. Not at my baby's talent. He is so, so good. My laughing was at what those poor adults must have implied. When Adrian was asked what he was drawing, according to Husband, he simply replied, "People, Daddy. They're people. That one is standing on his head." We have no idea which one it was. I'll let you judge for yourself.

AJ's art inspired by Keith Haring


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